Next Neighbourhoods 2021: Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy

Dorsoduro is a very trendy and sought-after area, loved by artists and designers. The lovely path towards the Salute Church, ideal for jogging, offers a genuine sense of freedom, and the area also hosts the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and the Gallerie dell’Accademia as well as the beautiful boutique hotel Ca’ Maria Adele.
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Why is it primed for growth?

Demand is always high for properties in this area, with its vibrant atmosphere. The amazing Giudecca Channel, wider than the Grand Canal, allows the eye to wander over the wonderful sights of the city.

My favourite bits:

The area around the Carmini Church, uncrowded and typically Venetian, as well as Rio de la Fornasa for its picturesque canal.

What will my money buy me?

€1.5 million will buy you a stunning two-bedroom apartment with amazing views and great finishes.

One thing the locals like to keep secret:

The beautiful church of Santi Vito e Modesto, which we have the privilege of offering for sale.